



(formerly known as Allen Event Center)


7 p.m.

Doors open for graduates and guests at 5:30 p.m.




有关仪式的一般资料,请参阅各种菜单选项 下面.

德克萨斯信用社(CUTX)活动中心位于200 E Stacy Road #1350, Allen, TX 75002. Get directions to the CUTX Event Center.

Parking at CUTX Event Center is available in the South Parking Garage and is free. 赛事周边的零售停车场不允许停车 center. 

Graduates should plan to arrive 为办理登机手续 at 5:30 p.m. 进入大楼使用 北入口.

客人可以在下午5:30开始到达.m. and will enter through the Main Entrance on 西边.

出席仪式的嘉宾及每位参加者均需购票 graduate will be issued 5 guest 票s. Children ages 2 and older will require a 票. Children under 2 years old 将被允许 to enter without a 票 if they will be sitting in an adult's lap. 


客人的座位是先到先得的,因为没有分配 座位. If any of your guests need seating accommodations due to mobility concerns 或者如果他们耳聋或听力有困难,需要坐在手语翻译的旁边, you must indicate this on your participation form or email graduation@www-534322.com 请求协助. 


Students may opt to purchase announcements through Herff琼斯.

毕业生,如果你需要座位安排(例如:轮椅通道),你有 not already notified the 科林大学 毕业 Team, please email them at graduation@www-534322.com 作出安排.

活动中心的二楼将为客人提供无障碍座位. 电梯位于客人入口旁边,可以方便地使用 这些预留的座位. Guests that need accessible seating 将被允许 to 让一个家庭成员和他们坐在一起,但聚会上的其他客人都需要 坐在一般的座位区. 

手语翻译将在整个仪式中为来宾进行手语 听力障碍. Section 114 is reserved for those needing to be within sightline 美国手语口译员. 

You must indicate on your participation form or email graduation@www-534322.com 如果您或您的任何客人需要无障碍座位,请请求协助.

CUTX活动中心有一个 明确的包和小离合器政策 在适当的地方,旨在提高您的安全,并允许快速和容易的访问 到设施. 

其他违禁物品包括:户外食品或饮料、气球、五彩纸屑、噪音制品、 strollers, weapons, and animals (except service animals).
Please review CUTX Event Center’s website for a 禁止物品的完整清单. *Please note: CUTX Event Center is permitting guests to bring in flowers for the graduation ceremony as an exception to their policy.

文凭 are not handed out at 颁奖典礼. Graduates will receive a souvenir diploma 当他们穿过舞台时,掩护他们.

除了这些,上学期的毕业生已经邮寄了他们的文凭 who have holds or restrictions on their account.

2023年秋季毕业的候选人将被审查最终学位和证书 提交最终成绩后的要求,以及已经完成的要求 all requirements will be awarded their academic credential. 然后是文凭 mailed out approximately 6-8 weeks after the semester ends.


毕业礼是指毕业生穿着的正式服装,包括帽子、礼服、 以及其他标志着学术传统的头巾、披肩和绳索 成就. View the information 下面 to learn more about where to get your regalia, how it should be worn, and rules on cap decorating.

毕业生必须佩戴学院认可的帽子和长袍,可以在我们的网站上购买 校园书店. Graduates are expected to wear regalia without altering the appearance 或者在礼服上附加任何东西.

通过学业成绩获得荣誉证书的毕业生(毕业时) 累积平均分为3分.5 or higher) will be given a cord to wear at check-in.

被认可的荣誉协会成员的毕业生可以购买徽章。 stoles, medallions) directly from the organization. 经批准的社团名单 包括:Phi Theta Kappa, Psi Beta,全国技术荣誉协会,Sigma Kappa, 还有Kappa Delta Pi.

戴帽子的时候,帽板要平在头顶,与地面平行, 而且不向任何一边倾斜. The inside of the cap shows which side is the front and 后面,通常前面是与点的一面,将与穿 额头中间的点. The tassel should be worn on the right side.

We encourage graduates to decorate and personalize their caps. 装饰应该 lay flat on the mortarboard and not hang off the sides. 没有亵渎或露骨的图像 将被允许. If decorations are deemed inappropriate, college staff may ask you to remove your cap and purchase a new one from the bookstore.


Graduates should begin arriving at 5:30 p.m. 为办理登机手续. 所有毕业生都应该 不迟于下午6点半入住.m., so the 科林大学 毕业 Team can ensure 所有的学生都按字母顺序排好队,然后举行典礼 开始.

Any graduates arriving late, after 6:30 p.m., will be placed at the end of the graduate line and will not be in alphabetical order.

晚到的毕业生,晚上7点以后.m., will be required to wait until the 过程ional 结束了,他将被护送到竞技场,在科林的陪同下坐在后排 大学志愿者.

Upon arrival you will be directed to the check-in tables to get your name card. 不要把这张卡弄丢了 因为在仪式开始前,它将用于按字母顺序排列你们. 这张卡片也会被读名员用来在你走路的时候报出你的名字 穿过舞台.



毕业典礼可以分为三个主要部分,我们预计 仪式将持续两个小时. Graduate check-in is part of the pre-ceremony 过程.  During 颁奖典礼 there is the 过程ional, graduation message, name 读书,最后退场. See 下面 for details important information 2022世界杯买球盘口仪式的每个部分.

列队是仪式的开始,每个人都步入竞技场 in a formal and orderly fashion to be seated in their appropriate seat.

The ceremony will begin promptly at 7 p.m., and our Board of Trustees and Executive 领导团队将带领队伍进入竞技场,列阵元帅紧随其后 在所有毕业生中遥遥领先.

列车员将带您到您的那一排,以便您按字母顺序就座. 游行只是跟随领队,所以你只需要确保你 stay in your line until you are guided to your row and seat.

典礼开始将包括2022世界杯买球盘口学区的致辞 总统博士. Neil Matkin, Chair of the Board of Trustees, and our guest speaker.  演讲结束后,毕业生们将被领上台,接受点名 当他们穿过舞台时.

当轮到你的时候,列队元帅会提示你的队伍站起来并领导 你到竞技场前面去. You will have your photograph taken (see 下面 for 更多2022世界杯买球盘口这些照片的信息),然后你会走上一个斜坡到 阶段.

学院的工作人员会帮你整理好你的徽章,让你看起来很漂亮 你穿过舞台. They will also make sure you are holding your name card so that 它可以交给读名字的人.

当轮到你走过讲台时,念名器会宣布你的名字 你会拿到一张2022世界杯买球盘口的毕业证,然后继续往前走 to the middle of the 阶段 and down the stairs. 

列车员将带您回到您的座位,您将在那里等待剩余的时间 仪式的内容. If you need mobility assistance or cannot walk down stairs, please let a Line Marshal know ahead of time so they can bring you back down the ramp.

当所有的毕业生都走上台后,毕业典礼将以一声“掌声”结束 令人兴奋的惊喜. If loud noises are a trigger for you, please talk to a Line Marshal ahead of time so accommodations can be made.

仪式结束后,列车长将带您进入休息室,离开竞技场. You can reunite with family outside of the event center.

所有毕业生和来宾将被要求离开活动中心 拍照,与你的家人和朋友聊天,或参观众多的餐馆之一 在附近庆祝. Once you exit the building you will not be permitted to re-enter, so you will need to make sure you have all your belongings with you as you exit.


DO带着你的饰物去参加婚礼,包括你的礼服、帽子、流苏和项链 any cords or stoles from honor societies or other official organizations. 额外的标记 将不能出席典礼吗!

DO: Wear nice clothing and comfortable shoes. Suggested attire is button-down shirts, tie, dark pants, dresses, dark shoes, minimal jewelry.

DO: Bring your cellphone so you can coordinate with your guests after 颁奖典礼.

: Have your cellphone out during 颁奖典礼. Your phone should remain in your pocket 或者在婚礼上藏起来.

: Bring any items restricted under the Event Center’s 袋政策 或者在他们的 禁止物品清单.

: Bring any items with you that cannot be concealed 在你的长袍下. 如果需要的话 带一个小钱包,我们建议是一个容易隐藏的斜挎包 在你的长袍下. If you cannot conceal the item you will need to leave it with one 或者在你的车里.

不要看管任何物品. 科林大学 and CUTX Event Center are not responsible for your items and are not liable for any lost or stolen items.



颁奖典礼将为无法参加的朋友和家人进行直播 颁奖典礼. The link to the livestream will be available 30 minutes before the event.

仪式视频将上传到 2022世界杯买球盘口的YouTube频道 供公众观看.


闪光灯摄影将采取两张专业照片,每个毕业生期间 颁奖典礼 that will be available for purchase. 你会有机会的 您的名片提供您的个人电子邮件地址,这将用于发送 你的婚礼照片证明.

Every graduate will be mailed and emailed proofs within 10 days 仪式的内容. If 如果您在此时间框架内没有收到您的校样,请联系闪光灯摄影 直接: http://flashphotography.com/contact

问题? 电子邮件 毕业@www-534322.com






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